Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Lunatic Fringe

Don't listen to people like me. I'm a crank, that's why. My mind is part of the lunatic fringe, and I'll tell you weird things until your ears fall off. People like me, we're dangerous. We've got nutty ideas and are always trying to rope you normal, healthy people into our bizarre schemes and world-views. Sometimes, it even sounds like we may be right about the strange things we say, but really, it's not worth all the babble.

Why am I telling you this? I don't know, I really don't. I'm a lunatic crank, a madman, and every day I think about the sort of things that you only think about in your deepest dreams, those odd, funky things that you can never quite remember when you wake up but sure seemed interesting at the time. And whatever forces occupy this lunatic fringe are telling me to tell you that you ought to stay away. The chaos of the crazy world produces nutcases of all kinds, and this particular nutcase is telling you to stay sane. Don't do anything too crazy, keep most of your ideas to yourself, don't read to many books, watch plenty of tv, and plug your ears and hum when people like me start talking.

Everything will be fine.

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