Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Urgent Public Safety Warning Against Trap Of Heart!

Sources indicate that the Malaysian government either has a Discordian in their midst, or there is no Malay word for "parody." Possibly both. Either way, the Malaysian government has issued a statement to the public, warning about the false information available on Uncyclopedia (a parody version of Wikipedia, as if Wikipedia wasn't funny enough on it's own. But we shan't go there):

Translated article from a Malaysian news source

"Authorities expect the statement to urge the public not to feel free to download and disseminate relevant website content, in order to avoid falling into the trap of heart."

(Wikinews article for those who are laughing too hard at the inadequacy of the Google translation to get what I'm talking about, and a Malaysian tech blogger's thoughts on the subject)

Seriously, how can I even make fun of this? That a website which was created for the express purpose of being less accurate than Wikipedia has been accused of attacking an entire country's national unity is just too... perfect for me to want to touch. I leave this for you, Dear Readers who are blessed to see such miracles within our lifetimes, to admire in whatever way you see fit.

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