Sunday, December 9, 2007

Disappearing from the Internet

Wow, that was weird.

For the past few weeks, I've been almost completely absent from the Series of Tubes. I know, I'm always absent from this blog (October and November? Pssh, who needs 'em?), but I'm talking about practically the whole Internet. Other than email, I have not visited most of my favorite websites in a long time, and even then only once every few days. Heck, I'm pretty much only talking to one person on email anyway, and they live within walking distance. It's like I'm intentionally cutting myself off from the world of electronic blips and buttons.

What have I been doing in this time? That's none of your stinking business, but I certainly haven't been watching television; I stopped doing that even before I took this Internet sabbatical. I've been trying to get my life moving mostly, and I've been trying to improve my relationship with the human beings on this planet. They've taken a liking to me, these hairless apes, and I rather enjoy the company of a few of them. I've been helping a friend to edit a book, and written a little bit of my own crap.

I'm not sure when I'll be coming back to the Interwebs. I've found that I can be quite satisfied with doing all the shit that piles up when I'm being lazy and mopey; it keeps me occupied. In fact, that's led me to believe that even if Hawaii were an island paradise (which it isn't, unless you're local or very rich... or both), I wouldn't enjoy it anyway. Paradise is an awfully boring idea, in my opinion. If everything is happy-go-lucky and there are no problems to fix then why am I alive? There needs to be a little grit in the environment, or else I'll go bonkers from ennui. Ennui: a problem experienced by the over-privileged, lazy, or occasionally the under-appreciated, in which a sense of worthlessness as a human being manifests itself in the act of being a worthless, apathetic, and frequently bitter twit.

In closing, stuff has been happening, but not pertaining to the Intertubes. My feelings on all of this? Completely neutral. I don't really care to do any more deep soul-searching at the moment. I've got things to do.

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