Saturday, May 26, 2007

Enough. I can't stand it.

This is all but the last straw. These United States I live in are filled to the brim with stupidity incarnate.

An ABC News story reports the opening of this shiny new museum that portrays Biblical six-day creation as fact and the theory of evolution as a source of evil. Some douchebag creation "scientists" claim that the theory of evolution provides no logical basis for moral behavior. Wouldn't that make those of us who actually understand biology even more admirable, to behave morally because we believe it is the right thing rather than fear of eternal damnation? Evolution provides no absolute morality because it's not a belief system or a life philosophy: it's a scientific theory, with a basis in fact and in logic. Creationists demonize evolution by pretending that it is some sort of alternative Bible. Who else smells bullshit?

The report says 60% of Americans believe in six-day creation. I don't know how much of that statistic is made up, but I don't doubt that the majority of Americans are nearly as soft-brained as the rest of the world thinks.

This is just fan-fucking-tastic. Now students everywhere will be giving their science teachers hell and backing their side up with reports of the fancy animatronics they saw in a museum.

I wonder if the remaining 40% would be willing to move with me to Canada. Maybe there's some room in Europe. I can only take heart in the knowledge that the number who understand evolution is greater than it was... I hope it continues to grow before the American Inquisition gets me.

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